So what is likely the year’s biggest title Grand Theft Aut…. WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING IN THIS HOHOKUM TRAILER?! Oh dear god that’s disgusting. Sorry. Grand Theft Auto V has been released and has made all of the money. Wow. Still shaken by what I saw in that Hohokum trailer. That game… my soul belongs to you. Also a bunch of other games and some excellent crowd funding projects this week!
Crowd Funding Picks
Ben and James: Soccer Legends
Paul: Slip
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Show notes after the jump.
SUPERHOT Game Watch SimCity Cities of Tomorrow Deep Down Gravity Rush 2 Hohokum… WHAT THE FUCK!? SoulCalibur: Lost Souls Yakuza: Restoration News Free the games fund controversy – OUYA’s statement and policy changes Sega acquires Atlus Wii Fit U and Wii Sports HD Hiroshi Yamauchi has died Dark Souls 2 release date – Coming to PC “shortly” after Firefall suspends PvP GTA5 sells a copy or two 360 GTA5 players: Do not install second Disc Diablo 3 to shut down Auction House Vikings are officially part of Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior Crimson Dragon coming out on a date for money Warhammer Online prepares to shutdown Clang goes Swoosh PS3 library comes to PS4 in 2014 GladOS and LAN comes to DOTA2 Valve to announce 3 things next week. 3? 3?!?!?! Ghosts ‘n Goblins ONline accidentally posted to Greenlight Only 15 people left at Criterion Crowd Funding Light Soccer Legends Blood Alloy The Long Dark Mutant Football League Slip Citizens of Earth